Source Code


The act of owning oneself.

<septor> i'm going to go get a pizza
<septor> bye 37
<twentynine> have fun with that, thunderthighs
<anthill> oo dis
<septor> you're jealous that my man boobs are bigger than any woman boobs you'll ever see
<twentynine> and you're just jealous that i get more cock than you
<septor> selfzing!

by septor January 24, 2005


#pixelarmy's residents.

The users of #pixelarmy are all webqueers.

by septor January 4, 2005

5👍 3👎


Long term of the popular IRC mode, +b. Getting banned from a channel.

<yourmom> I'm fat, teehee.
* septor sets mode: +b yourmom!*@*
<septor> And owned.

by septor October 27, 2004

8👍 2👎