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Peregrine Falcon

A six legged reptile that lives underwater. It can only survive in saltwater. Is as a slow as a snail

You are as slow as a peregrine falcon!

by ser see swee February 3, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The largest living creature in the world. It can fly up to 2000km in the sky and can never be crushed

No! An ant ate my house

by ser see swee February 4, 2021


A skinny cow that feeds on chocolate. It has wings and can swim in acid. It looks like a peanut.

I like goats

by ser see swee February 4, 2021


A microscopic carnivorous fish that drink mud as its diet. When you see a giraffe, escape quickly, or get eaten alive.

I hate giraffes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by ser see swee February 4, 2021


A house pet that is extremely loyal to its owner. It has four legs and can differ in color. It is totally not called a dog.

T-rexes are mans best friend

by ser see swee February 4, 2021


A place with lots of polar bears and with no penguins

I want to go to antartica!

by ser see swee February 3, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The fastest living thing alive. Nobody can outrun this amazing creature. It's shell can withstand the greatest of forces and would never break.

No! A snail is faster than me!

by ser see swee February 3, 2021

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž