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A woman that is very smart, friendly, and jolly. She is talkative because she express her creative thoughts. You'll never get boring whenever you're with her. She loves to put effort in everything she make. She is a sensitive one. She loves listening to music. She appreciates effort by someone and treasure it forever. She have a lot of friends because of her genuine love and kindness.

Look, its Aloha! She looks beautiful.
I heard she's friendly and smart too!
Let's make friends with her..

by seraphine_4 June 8, 2021

9👍 1👎


A woman that is smart, talented, and loving. Love to put her best in everything she do. A soft-hearted girl that will show how real her love for someone. People always love to see her and make friends with her because of her charm and kindness. Never take advantage with her golden heart because you'll regret it later.

Look, that's Alexie! She's so beautiful!
I love how she treat everyone..
She's so talented and very friendly.

by seraphine_4 June 8, 2021

33👍 3👎


An independent girl who loves to explore and discover on her own. She loves her family so much that she can sacrifice herself just to provide. She is jolly, friendly, and smart yet she have a dark side whenever someone broke her heart. Her love was genuine and real but she is also a sensitive person.

Hey, Ahleayr! You look beautiful today..
That's Ahleayr, very independent.
So pretty woman.

by seraphine_4 June 8, 2021


A man that is into sports. Flexible and very competitive. He loves to be with his friends and treasure them as brothers. He is simple yet very attractive. He is kind towards anyone he encounter with. When he love someone, he's willing to give everything he can. He will not prove it with just a word but with effort and actions.

Hey Jao! You look nice today.
Look its Jao, he's so hot!
I wish Jao will notice me once..

by seraphine_4 June 8, 2021