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1-10 female attractiveness scale

A word used by idiots and losers to describe a female and put them in the box depending on their physical appearance because their life sucks and they are miserable and they have nothing going on in their lives

Jim:Hey, that chic ranks 7 in the 1-10 female attractiveness scale!

Joe:C'mon dude, get a life!

by sexy human September 10, 2016

4👍 7👎

1-10 female attractiveness scale

A word used by idiots and losers to describe a female and put them in the box depending on their physical appearance because their life sucks and they are miserable and they have nothing going on in their lives

Jim:Hey, that chic ranks 7 in the 1-10 female attractiveness scale!

Joe:C'mon dude, get a life!

by sexy human September 10, 2016

1👍 4👎