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Rapper.Gets his money cuz of other artists. he can be seen as the "Don King" of rap/hip hop. He's not rich cuz of his tracks, but off the business he handles on the side. no doubt hes rich, but lyrically speaking, hes wack. The day he uses original lyrics and makes good hits will be the day he's considered a true legend. I think Nas is still the best around. Not just because of the diss on Hova, but because his songs deal with the true life struggles of everyday people and issues concerning the world. jay-z is NOT on the level of Nas, lyrically. real talk.

Broken glass in the hallway bloodstained floors
Neighbors look at every bag you bring through your doors
Lock the top lock momma shoulda cuffed me to the radiator
Why not? It might've saved me later from my block
N.Y. cops hookers crawlin off the stroll, coughin
stitches in they head, stinkin and I dread thinkin they be snitchin
But who else, could it be, shook at these, unmarked vans
Parked in the dark -- NARC's, where's your heart?
Hustlers starve; they bust a U-e I jog
to my building -- come out later wearin camouflage
See the sergeant and the captain -- strangle men
Niggaz gaspin for air; til they move no more and just stare
with dead eyes -- tired of riots, shit is quiet
Simple-minded fools infiltrate grimy crews
Overcrowded cribs, uncles home from bids, sister's pregnant
father's on drugs, moms is smokin, beds is piss-infested
Had eight partners growin up, eight turned to seven
Seven turned to six niggaz, got two in heaven
Six of us, holdin it, now it's five rollin thick
The sixth one's parole flipped; five niggaz, went to fo' quick
when he went O.T., college life, converted into gangbangin
Four niggaz still hangin, years passed and slang changin
Three of us now, fourth nigga ain't around
We all thought he was real -- he did the snake shit
Fake shit -- beat his ass down, yo his mouth
could've got us all wasted, what a fuckin clown
All I got left in the end is two of my best friends
And we all goin out, to the death for these ends, WHAT?

-NAS (N.Y. State Of Mind Part 2)
jay-z has to come up with sum better bars!

by shadow452 December 22, 2006

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