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Typically used as an exclamatory utterance in the throes of passion, when male or female or both, reach apex ecstasy of “boom-boom-sexy-play-time-CHOO-CHOO”; also, a miniature tree that requires pristine grooming frequently, but swears that it has nothing to do with the size of his dick

Dude: OMG I’m gonna cum!
Girl: OMG I’m cumming!
Dude & Girl: BONZAI!!!

by shan onyx January 18, 2022


Noun. A dude who is a tool or douche-bag, but also a pussy

Dude, fuck that toolbox! All he does is talk shit but never to anyone’s face!

by shan onyx May 1, 2024


Noun. A fraud or falsehood with proof of said deception; when you have proof (or receipts) for a betrayal or move made against you

You can’t tell me that they are harmless when every interaction I’ve had with them is full of deceipt.

by shan onyx May 1, 2024


Adjective. Fake, counterfeit, fraudulent, imitation, phoney, knock-off, imposter, inauthentic, not genuine

He’s such a poser. Everything about him is chapstick.

by shan onyx May 1, 2024

Bye Travis

Similar to "Bye Felicia" except intended for white boys needing to be abruptly dismissed without explanation and often times, without cause; most effectively used when "white-girl-wasted" and most comically used when said white boy has already introduced himself and his name is NOT Travis

White girl: drinking what's up?
White boy: nothin - just chillin'... I'm Doug and this is Kevin. (Gesturing to friend)
White girl: uh-huh (rolling eyes)
Kevin: well I would offer you a drink but you look like you've probably had enough....
White girl: Bye Travis. (Walk away)

by shan onyx February 19, 2020