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taylor swift's 6th studio album
perhaps one of the most, if not THE most, iconic and powerful comebacks of all time.
the lead single, look what you made me do, has one of the greatest music videos in music video history.
reputation, despite its cultural impact and status, did NOT get nominated for any Grammys.
reputation contains a lot of gay subtext.

taylor herself confirmed this when during the Reputation Stadium Tour show in chicago, she gave a pride speech about coming out while wearing a rainbow dress. she finished the speech and said "its all just really....delicate".

delicate is track 5 on reputation and the song is very applicable to the queer experience. it does not use gender specific pronouns and is widely regarded as a gay anthem.

in the music video for delicate, the last scene features taylor walking into a bar and no one notices her. she looks around for someone and looks disappointed. then all of a sudden everyone at the bar turns around and looks at her. the camera goes back onto taylor and she seems to make eye contact with the 5th person along the bar, a woman. she smiles. the end.
wait...im not going to give an entire explanation as to why reputation is gay on urban dictionary, but the evidence is very...evident so please do some searching and its quite startling if you care.





"reputation man...that shit is GAY"
"so true !! she did not write the line'wear you like a necklace' for people to call it straight"

"reputation is the most powerful comeback of all time, argue with the wall.....who else gets cancelled by the whole world, gets forced into hiding, gets hated on by the media and the general public, has a very influential group of people actively attacking them, THEN RELEASES AN ALBUM THAT GOES ON TO HAVE A $220 MILLION GROSSING TOUR?? NO ONE. APART FROM TAYLOR FUCKING SWIFT, THATS WHO !! "
"so true bestie"

by shawtygotthafatty May 24, 2021

47👍 9👎



the school of thought that believes taylor swift is gay.
gaylors are a very observant group of alphabet mafias who read the gay subtext in all of her songs.
the evidence is incredibly compelling and i suggest you give it some time to read through (please do its very interesting !!) (go on tumblr and search the tag: gaylor swift)

now, do not think gaylors are assuming her sexuality.
they are simply interpreting her lyrics through a queer lens.

if you think this is intrusive/rude and disrespectful to her current boyfriend, you are mistaken, because a) if she was really the ally she claims to be, she would NOT be bothered about people thinking she might be fruity. if it DID bother her, she would have made a statement addressing her distaste on the topic. besides, she is a multimillionaire capitalist girlboss, i doubt she cares that a bunch of teenagers on twitter are calling her fruity.

b) gaylors are respectful and do NOT attempt to disprove her current relationship. the majority of gaylors are of the thought that taylor swift is bisexual.

if you in any other way disprove of people thinking this, please just say youre homophobic and GO.

the end.

join the gaylors TODAY !!

note: anti-gaylors are called hetlors (see: hetlors) who are of the school of thought that taylor swift is straight.

while the majority of them are actually homophobic, THEY are the intrusive ones, constantly making EVERYTHING taylor does about sex with her boyfriend.

hetlor: "ew gaylors are so gross ew gays i hate them...always making EVERYTHING about themselves, besides she is dating a MAN how can she be gay?? so disrespectful"
me: "thats literally so homophobic what ?? also bisexuality EXISTS you fucking biphobe ?? if its so disrespectful why hasnt she said so ? huh ? are you her spokesperson now or WHAT ?? if it makes her uncomfy she'd SAY SO. get your homophobia out of here"

by shawtygotthafatty May 29, 2021

128👍 144👎

illicit affairs

me when im gay

and thats the thing about illicit affairs and clandestine meetings

and longing stares

theyre born from just one single glance but they die,

and they die,
and they die, a million little times

leave the perfume on the shelf,

that you picked out just for him
so you leave no trace behind,
like you dont even exist
take the words for what they are
a dwindling mercurial high
a drug that only worked

the first few hundred times

by shawtygotthafatty May 24, 2021

26👍 3👎


hetsplaining is basically mansplaining but hetsplaining instead. its a heterosexual explanation for an otherwise not heterosexual thing. a great example of hetsplaining is in folklore: the long pond studio sessions, when taylor swift is explaining the meaning behind the song "betty".

she explains that the song is from a male pov, when actually its just fucking gay. in giving a heterosexual explanation for a gay thing, she has hetsplained the song.

"man, i wish taylor swift would stop hetsplaining all her gay ass songs and just admit that she wrote a song about a woman..."
"taylor swift hetsplaining betty was harmful to her queer fans because they got doxxed by her straight fans. dude she should just be honest when she writes a gay song, like its better than jumping through ALL these hoops JUST to make it straight"
"dude the male pov shit is still gay as FUCK through"

"the problem is that the majority of her fans eat her hetsplanations up like its nothing...she really can say ANYTHING and her fans will believe her..."

by shawtygotthafatty May 16, 2021

21👍 3👎

male pov

what taylor swift says as an excuse after she writes a song about a girl.

its an incredibly lame and pathetic excuse but people still wholeheartedly believe it.
this excuse is primarily used after she writes a gay song but what she doesn't understand is that covering it up with the "male pov" card only makes it even MORE gay.

"this song, its written from a mans perspective, about getting your girl back after you let her down"
"this song is from a male pov about, y'know, just being open and stuff with your girlfriend and just this balanced and supportive relationship. i think if i was a guy id definitely be that person for her."

by shawtygotthafatty March 28, 2021

15👍 3👎