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An uneducated moron who believes your sexual orientation has any impact on your content as a person.

"Ah hayt theym fag-guts."

by shinigami June 13, 2003

2389πŸ‘ 1795πŸ‘Ž


An anime-ish smiley face commonly used by Korean children and fat 30-year-old American anime fans.

wau~~~~~~ ^_^

by shinigami June 13, 2003

109πŸ‘ 226πŸ‘Ž


A person who is blindly, fanatically loyal to Sony. Will immediately buy anything with the Playstation logo and mindlessly insult anyone who doesn't share their fanaticism, and would proclaim a blank disc with "Final Fantasy" or "Madden" on the face on it to be the greatest game ever made. PStools rival (and possibly exceed) even Nintendrones in their numbers.

See also: pathetic, fanboy, moron

LOL, Madden. Silly PStools.

by shinigami March 9, 2005

71πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A celebratory exclamation. Believed to have originated in Quake II capture-the-flag matches, as an acronym for "We Owned the Other Team".

by shinigami September 16, 2003

22πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


just simply that nigga

iҀ™m ecier

by shinigami October 30, 2021

glass sorter

a retarded person.
taken form the 80's/90's public service announcement willing us to preserve america's mentally and/or physically handicapped (there was a handicapped person standing in a feild of garbage saying "i sort glass, its my job, i was bad at first but now im good at it... dont throw me away.")

can also be used as an insult, tho will generally confuse those who hear it.

after seeing a friend mess something up "haha! nice one! way to be a glass sorter!"

"ahh geez.... i had to work with this glass sorter today... it was the pits!"

by shinigami July 19, 2003

47πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A person who is blindly, fanatically loyal to Microsoft. Will immediately buy anything with the Xbox logo and mindlessly insult anyone who doesn't share their fanaticism, and would proclaim a blank disc with "Halo" scribbled on it to be the greatest game ever made. Rarer than the Nintendrone, but no less lame.

See also: pathetic, fanboy, moron

Silly Xbot, Halo's way better on PC.

by shinigami March 7, 2005

621πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž