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the greates character in Reno 911 ever

Yo Jim Dangle is hella funny, HOLLA

by shizzle makizzle October 24, 2003

1👍 19👎


The greatest known adjective ever!

This word is so great, no awesome, no it is such a great word that I will make up a word for its greatness...right now...Scrumtrulescent

by shizzle makizzle October 24, 2003

54👍 84👎

pop off a needle

to crap on someones face

damn i just popped off a needle on that biatch, damn thats off hizzle fo shizzle dizzle!

by shizzle makizzle October 21, 2003

3👍 10👎


someone who has been brought up by the pimp game and is livin it.
Or if something is off the hizzle

Yo that coat is pimpolicous wigger!

by shizzle makizzle October 21, 2003

3👍 2👎


someone who steals stuff just so they can be bitches

You rat dont steal my shit

by shizzle makizzle October 23, 2003

2👍 9👎

black wack

A form of hard core PCP: Slang

Damn bizzle thats some good black wack for shizzle, DAMN

by shizzle makizzle October 21, 2003

7👍 2👎