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The ability for a dude or gal to detect a bro or douchebro

Similar in the ways girls use gaydar to detect closet homosexuals.

dude just like how submarines use SONAR to detect other submarines, i have really good BrONAR and can easily tell if a dude is a total bro, and really wants to play gamecube and drink natty ice when he says he only wants to "chill"

by shoelace August 5, 2008

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Che Guevara

Another communist pinko loser. Communism sucks. Get a job and do something with your life and stop complaining and trying to suck everything out of people who actually work hard to get wealthy.

All you liberal communist hippies who want a revolution so you can just sit around like bums doing nothing with your life disgusts me. Communism will never work. And who in their right mind thinks that they can decide what "the people" want. Only poor people, bums, and tree huggers want communism because they are jealous that others have what they don't.

by shoelace February 11, 2005

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