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Ghost Dater

Someone that posts on Twitter, Facebook or other social network for the purpose of coming on to someone romantically on behalf of someone elseҀ”often for money.

The Ghost Dater presumably knows better how to engage, intrigue, flirt, or otherwise attract a prospective date than the hopeless loser they are hired by.

FakeDonJuan69 wanted to become a professional Ghost Dater so he could make a bundle coming on to women on behalf of guys whom they normally wouldn't be caught dead with.

by shoqvalue June 1, 2010

283πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


A twitter hash tag used on 8/28/2010 to commemorate Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally on the Washington mall.

Most often, but not exclusively used by his detractors, and a few insightful Republicans.

The #douchebeck claimed that he wasn't promoting a book, but was "restoring America's honor." Few understood what he meant.

by shoqvalue August 28, 2010

712πŸ‘ 357πŸ‘Ž


Corpocracy + Citizen (n)

A citizen or other member of a corpocracy; a form of society that is dominated by private interests operating as incorporated commercial entities.

The Supreme Court, in Citizen's United vs. FEC, unleashed the power of corporate money in political campaigns, further entrenching the influence of corporate interests over United States corpizens.

by shoqvalue February 11, 2010

819πŸ‘ 538πŸ‘Ž


Chamber of Commerce + Teabagger

An executive, supporter or operative of any Chamber of Commerce that is overtly or covertly seeking to co-opt or align the various "Tea Party" (a.k.a. Teabagger) movements with themselves and the Republican Party, to further their traditionally pro-corporate political interests.

Having little experience organizing rallies, he was eager to listen to the friendly Chamberbagger who seemed eager to help.

by shoqvalue April 7, 2010

781πŸ‘ 373πŸ‘Ž


A more formal designation for the socio-economic blending of corporate, fiscal and social conservatism that now typifies the so-called "tea Party" movements in the United States.

Sarah Palin and Dick Armey are two of the nation's more prominent personalities that advocate for smaller government, lower taxes, fewer social entitlements, and other tenets of trio-conservatism.

by shoqvalue April 19, 2010

715πŸ‘ 373πŸ‘Ž


A member, participant or onlooker, sometimes called a friend or follower, in an online user's social media community. Such communities are often seen and referred to as a 'stream' of people and information flowing by. If they are frequently seen in the stream, and considered in good standing, the streamer might be additionally labeled a citizen of the streamҀ”or "streamizen."

They met on AOL, and Roxann followed him to Twitter. She was one of a few of his streamers who became a trusted friend.

by shoqvalue July 13, 2010

425πŸ‘ 302πŸ‘Ž

Marching meme

A contrived political message or theme designed to inspire or reinforce a blind adherence to a party or idea, often with a cynical awareness that professional and amateur followers and pundits will relentlessly repeat it throughout the Internet and mass media echo chambers with a nearly syncopated precision.

The talk show host knew that by pounding the table and screaming "we must take our government back," he was reissuing a marching meme that had inspired his many sycophantic followers in the past.

by shoqvalue June 18, 2010

782πŸ‘ 294πŸ‘Ž