Source Code

tom gordon

1. A major league pitcher who tends to throw fastballs the size of beachballs to batters who normally can't hit their own weight. The batter then pulverizes the pitch and looks like Babe Ruth.

2. Someone who you cannot trust to do the easiest task known to the human race.

3. A name given to a person who tends to ruin the game for everyone.

Fred: Wow it looks like we are gonna win this game!
Tom: Uh oh! Here comes Tom Gordon, we are fucked!
Fred: Good point.

Jeff: Damn this is a really good game! I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Bob: Uh oh! Here comes Tom Gordon.
Jeff: Lets get the fuck out of here!

Randy: You know I never knew how easy it was to breathe.
Tommy: Yeah but not if you are Tom Gordon!

by shrecker March 31, 2008