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One who is constantly tired, from watching large amounts of porn. Also, one who is unsure about their sexual orientation due to their name.

Dude 1:You're being such an ashlon!

Dude 2:I don't even watch that much porn!

by shuretyringtafiureitout April 2, 2009

11👍 21👎


An expression of true disgust, usually used when playing counter-strike.

Oh! F-Cakes! I died again!

by shuretyringtafiureitout April 3, 2009


A Boise, ID Based Indie-Rock band. Possibly the greatest band ever.

Guy1: Dude have you heard the new Aduldition album yet?

Guy2: Naaww.... But I'm-a-gonna check it soon

Guy1:Alright sweet.

Guy2: Yeah, I need new tunes.

Guy3: Shut the f**k up!! Goddamn audiophiles...

by shuretyringtafiureitout April 24, 2011

1👍 7👎