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someone who says they are transgender but they are fully comfortable with their assigned gender. many transtrenders use strange pronouns like it/itself because they treat it like an accessory, not an identity. often, transtrenders are chronically online, whether that be on tiktok, twitter, you name it. they are detached from reality and delusional to think that their friends will call them by cat pronouns.

eventually, this transtrender will realize that being trans is a lifelong struggle, that trans people are often harassed and many are afraid to go outside. that trans people cannot choose to be transgender, and that real trans people only want to blend in with society.

there is a recent influx of individuals who claim to identify as transgender, then proceeding to do horrible things. this causes society to think that all transgender people are like this, when that is not the case.

person A: why is leaf wearing a dressing with their tiddies out and a face full of makeup? didnt they come out as a transgender man?

person B: yes, and it is very difficult to interact with leaf because they only talk about strange political ideas and yaoi manga. i dont want to be around them and it makes me feel that all transgender people are like this.

person A: i understand where you're coming from but its important to know that leaf is a transtrender, and real transgender people are just like you and me, who only want acceptance and to be appreciated by others around them.

by sigmacerealkiller July 24, 2023

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