An acronym for either "Obvious Tastelessness" or "Old but Tasteless" from the old USENET newsgroup Alt.Tasteless used to include tasteless afterthoughts in tasteless posts to provide for additional tastelessness. Used similarly to postscript (P.S.) in personal letters.
On Feb 18, 4:32 pm, Daniel Minge <> wrote:
> In any event canibalism isn't tasteless. It's normal.
> Minge
Note to self: count family pets and relatives before a dinner party at
Minge's place.
"Anyone caught selling human meat faces execution ..."
There goes the government, artificially increasing supply to keep
prices down.
ObT: Enjoying a nice can of Chef Boyardee while reading this.
ObT: North Korea must have had the world's best behaved children
during the famine.
ObT: Daughters competing with their mothers for sexual supremecy in
the household, and the winner literally has to cook the loser. Count
the psychoses, sucker ...
ObT: Sending the article to PETA with the caption, "HAPPY NOW????"
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