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chick sista

A woman who stays clear of the "dude bros" at the gym...
Wears yoga pants,
And secretly loves Cosmo girl.
Makes dope chocolate strawberries and rocks the fur vest while naked like a bawsss/porn star.
Not to be confused with a "basic bitch"....
Chick sistas are bad ass.

Yo my dude bro... Did you see that chick sista squatting in those yoga pants over there... She's got glutes of steel!

by skatmandiddlybop February 15, 2016

Unraisin like

A person under the age of 65 whom likes to eat jello. They have a lover with whom they refer to fellow. They run down hallways with vitality and then sit mellow.

My auntie is unraisin like. She has pickle parties on Christmas.

by skatmandiddlybop December 24, 2022

Ding Ding Fairy

An uncle John that creeps in the room of Brittany, has his way with her and then leaves his ding ding behind so she can continue to pleasure herself.

Hey I saw that ding ding fairy in your room last night was it uncle John?

by skatmandiddlybop December 25, 2022

Bottom Up Libertarianism

Bottom Up Libertarianism

A new political platform dedicated to improving the quality of life of Americans based on inalienable rights of human beings, while at the same time allowing it to flourish as a leading world power. This is an alternative to the current two party system that merges the most admirable values/policies of both parties, thus fostering cohesion and unity.

The number one priority of Bottom Up Libertarianism is ensuring freedom of all Americans. This includes freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms, choice over one’s body, and a completely free market. With less restrictive market regulations, corporations will be able to be able to focus on innovation to strengthen American GDP.
The next priority of this platform is acknowledging that social inequality exists but that focusing on identity politics is not a remedy, but rather a catalyst for further division. Instead, taking an economic perspective on solving this inequality is a more effective approach. If a certain demographic group lacks opportunity, enforcing action to correct this directly will end up causing adverse effects on the rights of not only other demographic groups, but the rights of the individual. The solution on this matter is to utilize economic resources to channel capital into the institutions and infrastructure of underprivileged communities based off of data analytics to set them up for a brighter future. This in turn will spur growth across all classes of America.

Bottom Up Libertarianism is the ideal American future.

by skatmandiddlybop December 16, 2022