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a turd that has no consistency, it plops outta your ass and never hits the toilet water, instead, it hits the back of the bowl and mounds up there. After that, it is a never ending wipe to clean the shit from around your asshole. Usually occurs after a night of power drinking Killians Irish Red beer on draught.

I have a brutal hangover from power drinking 5 pitchers of Killians and eating nuclear hot wings, and to top it off, when I woke up to take a shit, it was nothing but a steaming mudhut.

by skell February 23, 2008

23👍 17👎


a 69 when each partner shoves a finger up each others asshole

me and my old lady were watching a porno when these 2 freaks on the tape started to 71

by skell January 5, 2010

80👍 61👎


a turd so massive that it hits the toilet water while still coming out of your ass and then wraps itself around the bowl

Damn, I just left a sidewinder that wouldn't go down when I flushed, I hadda use the plunger to break it up and flush again

by skell February 12, 2008

69👍 44👎


A white male teen aged to late 20's that dresses like an aspiring rap star, rides around in some 4 cylinder import POS with graphics, tail fin, and exhaust pipe that makes the car sound like a sewing machine. The car has an obnoxious sound system that pumps out the latest rap crap, and rims and tires that usually cost more than what the car is worth. Acts black,talks black, dresses black(sideways hat that is 2 sizes to big with a bandana under it, pants 3 sizes to big so when he walks he has to keep his hands around the belt line so they don't fall down and show his boxers, and rope chains around his neck.

He wonders why he can only get a job flippin burgers at Mickey Dee's or delivering pizza for Dominos cause he's just tryin to keep it real, when really, he looks like the total poser a-hole he really is. Sometimes has very short buzz cut hair and stupid looking facial hair(if the little pussy can actually grow it)

Eminem, Vanilla Ice, etc.

Did you see that butt-punk in the Honda Civic? His parents bought it for him and pay for the insurance, him and his posse think they're bad, let them go down to the hood and see how real it is down there.

by skell February 11, 2008

15👍 3👎