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prick factor

The motivating factor that drives men to do or not do something that they secretly abhor or dread. Failing to perform this duty will make you a prick, and the fallout will be worse than the actual sacrifice.

I was up against the prick factor, so I went ahead and took her to see "Sex and the City" even though it made me want to puke.

by skid mark vz July 11, 2008

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faggot stomper

An enormous 4x4 full sized Ford truck jacked up on three foot tires. Usually adorned with KC lites, a gun rack, confederate flags, or window decals of the "Git 'er Done" mentality. Most likely occupied by two or more loud mouthed, fat-necked, maloderous fucknuts whose only hope for getting any pussy involves peeking at their sister in the shower.

Check out that faggot stomper taking up two spaces at the McDonalds.

by skid mark vz October 6, 2007

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faggot stomper

An enormous 4x4 full sized Ford truck jacked up on three foot tires; usually adorned with KC lites, a gun rack, confederate flags, or window decals of the "Git 'er Done" mentality. Most likely occupied by two or more loud mouthed, fat-necked, maloderous yahoos who whose only hope for getting any pussy involves peeking at their sister in the shower.

Check out that faggot stomper taking up two spaces at the McDonalds.

by skid mark vz October 2, 2007

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Morning oak

Morning wood of abnormal size and rigidity, impossible to "tuck" away and often quite painful

Today I woke up with morning oak that I could have used to fuck a sea lion with. I thought my dick was going to explode.

by skid mark vz June 6, 2007

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The act of dumping or throwing a para/quadriplegic out of his or her wheelchair onto the ground (ala Walter Sobchak in "The Big Lebowski").

dude 1) "Dude what happened to Earl?"
dude 2) "Two cops totally sobchak'd him last night, broke two ribs."
dude 1) "Why would they do such a thing?"
dude 2) "They thought he was faking it. Guess the forklift in his minivan wasn't proof enough."

by skid mark vz February 14, 2008

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lime riki

When you cut a lime in half and a girl squeezes and wipes it all over your balls and choad, then licks it off. Note this is strictly for heterosexual couples. The homosexual version of this is called a "Lime Petey."

Dan: After a couple of kamakazes Jake's mom gave me a Lime Riki.

Steve: Is that why Jake keyed your car?

Dan: Probably.

by skid mark vz April 9, 2008

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one five three rule

Unspoken but widely understood rule regarding selecting a public urinal, specifically if there are five urinals to choose from. If all are unoccupied you choose the one on the far left (1). If this one is occupied you choose the far right one (5). If both are occupied you choose the center one (3). The object is to maximize the space between yourself and anybody else who currently has their shlong out.

urinator 1) "Hey buddy, one five three rule. Scoot over."

*scoots over*

urinator 2) "Sorry, wasn't thinking"

by skid mark vz March 6, 2008

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