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cold play

The practice of playing random, unknown or new music for the first time.

As in:
"A cold play of the early recordings of Daft Punk, then Baby Geniuses and Paula Abdul."


Sam just got insert here yesterday and tried playing it/singing it/ burping the syllables through a straw/digitally remastering and re-releasing it backwards.

by skitto December 19, 2008

13👍 35👎

Monkey Circle

Sociological concept, even seen in televised analyses done on the Discovery Channel, years ago (I don't recall the title).

a. The amount of people consciously thought of as "the world" by any one conscious human.
b. About 30 people.

"You've been stuck in your own monkey circle for too long,

get out of your comfort zone, go to different restaurants or party with people with different careers. Whatever you gotta do, dude, just stop being such a milktoast shut-in."

by skitto August 17, 2016