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OPT (Old-People Text) is a text sent from an older person who uses texting like a phone call.

I’ve been trying to get some thoughts from aunt Judy on the upcoming family reunion when she has time but she always immediately responds with her usual OPT: “Honey, I have company right now. Sorry.”

She doesn’t get it; I don’t need an immediate response but her response texts seem like I called her and she is telling me she has to get off the horn because she she has people over.

by sleslie2425 December 31, 2018

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Fuck-It List

A list of things you've always wanted to do or say but never did until a life-changing event takes place.

After being left at the altar, I decided to create my "Fuck-It List," which includes the following recent revelations and activities:

You're fat and you know it.
Your baby is ugly so stop posting pictures of him on Facebook.
Your breath smells like sleep even after you brush your teeth.
When you smile, it looks like you lost your upper lip.

Also, I took a dump in my mom's toilet tank after she yelled at me for the dog hair in my house.

by sleslie2425 May 24, 2013

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Fuck-It List

A list of things you've always wanted to do or say but never had the nerve to until something life-changing occurs.

After I was left at the alter, I stopped caring so much about other people's feelings and started to be more honest.

I created my Fuck-It List, which included some of the following recent revelations to people:

"You're fat and you know it."
"I don't care about your stupid Facebook remarks. So you ate too much... Like I care."
"Your kid is ugly and you need to accept it."
"You smell like sleep, even after you brush your teeth."
"Your boyfriend chats on you with random people he meets on Craigslist."

Also, I took a dump in my mom's toilet tank after she yelled at me about the dog hair in my house.

by sleslie2425 May 24, 2013

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text apologizer

The person who ends a text exchange by saying something akin to this: "I have to get back to work. Can't talk." This is instead of simply just responding to a text when you have time. This person tends to behave as though texts are the same as phone calls, during which one might have to abruptly end the call for various reasons.

So Amanda sent me a text telling me that she had some really crazy news about Raymond. I responded to her as soon as I could to ask what the news was and she immediately responded, like the text apologizer that she is, to say she couldn't talk but she'd text me later.

by sleslie2425 November 14, 2018


An adjective used to describe a person who is equally mean as he/she is sensitive.

My cousin is so sensitive and loving to the end but he’ll kick your ass just as fast if you cross him because he is totally meansitive.

by sleslie2425 June 15, 2018

Bitch flakes

What someone ate for breakfast before doing or saying something particularly bitchy.

"My boss just yelled at me for being away from my desk for ten minutes. I was in the bathroom."

"Well, somebody had a big helping of bitch flakes this morning."

by sleslie2425 May 25, 2013


A girl who comes from a lower-to-moderate socioeconomic 'hood while also having the class to present herself in a situation so as to be perceived as a 'mademoiselle' from old money.

Despite her rough upbringing, Lola has done well for herself. She has a way about her... demanding respect without saying a word and eloquently so. She's so 'ghetto-moiselle!'

by sleslie2425 March 21, 2011