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Call of Duty: Whack Ops

The best description of COD7. Broken game which took about half a step forward and 15 back, no wonder COD doesn't progress much each year with this shit happening!

Worse gameplay, awful hit detection, unbalanced guns (again), awful sound, shite graphics etc. The worst game in the COD series, which after COD3 and COD5 is saying something big.

1: "wanna come to mine and play black ops?"
2: "wait you mean that steaming pile of horseshit Call of Duty: Whack Ops?"
1: "no, I said black ops"
2: "yes, that's just what I said; whack ops. The worst game of 2010 hands down"

by slipshoddread October 17, 2011

10👍 6👎