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Joy kill

The dumbass way some dyslexic and drop outs think kill joy is pronounced

Chee boe you dropped my chop bowl you’re a joy kill

by slobski on my chopski April 9, 2022


A the act of having sex in a savage like manner, usually infront of people who are sleeping.

“Chee Boe you fucked a fat bitch!”
“I don’t know what happened, I just woke up and she was bunning me!!”

by slobski on my chopski April 10, 2022


A lakota concoction that consists of marijuana chopped up by a knife you do knife hits off of, and tobacco from cigarettes picked up off the ground, believed to first be smoked by the great chief Metropolis Nicolopolis

“Chee Boe let’s smoke a chop bowl.”
“I can’t it’s for this auntie I’m gonna bun later.”

by slobski on my chopski April 10, 2022


A stinky lakota woman that has a big forehead and eats teriyaki madness and can’t make pancakes for shit

Chee boe she smell like a Tianna

by slobski on my chopski April 9, 2022