Part of LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex), but specifically are gay.
Part of LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex), but specifically are bisexual.
Zero Width Joiner. An invisible Unicode character that joins two or more other characters together in sequence to create a new emoji.
These emojis have ZWJ in them: ð ð© â¤ï¸ ð ð¨ ð¨ â¤ï¸ ð ð¨ ð© â¤ï¸ ð ð© ð ð© â¤ï¸ ð¨ ð¨ â¤ï¸ ð¨ ð© â¤ï¸ ð© ðªï¸ ð¨ ð© ð¦ ð¨ ð© ð§ ð¨ ð© ð§ ð¦ ð¨ ð© ð¦ ð¦ ð¨ ð© ð§ ð§ ð¨ ð¨ ð¦ ð¨ ð¨ ð§ ð¨ ð¨ ð§ ð¦ ð¨ ð¨ ð¦ ð¦ ð¨ ð¨ ð§ ð§ ð© ð© ð¦ ð© ð© ð§ ð© ð© ð§ ð¦ ð© ð© ð¦ ð¦ ð© ð© ð§ ð§ ð¨ ð¦ ð¨ ð¦ ð¦ ð¨ ð§ ð¨ ð§ ð¦ ð¨ ð§ ð§ ð© ð¦ ð© ð¦ ð¦ ð© ð§ ð© ð§ ð¦ ð© ð§ ð§
Text art created by using emojis, commonly made of the colored square emojis, creating the same effect as pixel art.
Check out my emoji art of a burger:
âð§ð§ð§ð§ð§ð§ (Credit @CopyPasteDump)
2👍 1👎
1: Hey, just wondering if you got your photos printed?
2: bogos binted?
1: What
2: ð½
Part of LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual), but specifically are bisexual.
1👍 2👎
Part of LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual), but specifically are transgender.
3👍 6👎