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pantry suprise

when your low on groceries and haven't been able to
get to the store so you invent some random food concoction made from what is left over in the fridge and pantry
to make it look like you have something for dinner.

Your family asks you whats for dinner and you respond with
"pantry suprise!".

by smarterthansmartone August 24, 2011

3👍 2👎


polatitions who are destroying our earth with self absorbed

plans of getting richer by destroying our natural resources and envirnment.

Benton Harbor Michigan,s shore line is going to be destroyed
by some nasty poluteititions who want a private place to golf.

by smarterthansmartone August 18, 2011


when some one is angry and you define his emotion as having a bad attitude with anger.

That guy has a bad madatude.

by smarterthansmartone August 24, 2011