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Running the roads

To go out frequently, drink and do drugs and hang around losers. Similar to Running the streets except used mostly out in the country by country folks.

Mom: My daughter better not be out running the roads again.

Dad: Leave her alone, she’s 21.

by smokey diesel January 4, 2023

Clogging the airwaves

Person or a group of persons who never shuts the fuck up, especially at work when more important things should/can be discussed or it’s time to focus in silence. similar to Horsing around.

Worker 2: “her der der did you see what happened over there hehe hoo ha oh look what that guy just did haha oh oops my leg feels weird now i’m hungry-“

Worker 1: “James, shut the fuck and quit clogging the airwaves.”

by smokey diesel February 17, 2023