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Going for a McShit

When you go into McDonalds for the sole purpose of using the bathroom.

Please note: If challenged by the spotty staff member, then your declaration that you will buy food afterwards is a McShit with Lies

I'm going for a McShit

by snake July 9, 2004

71πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A romantic comedy featuring lots of flesh-eating zombies. The only known example is Shaun of the Dead.

Did you see that romzomcom yet?

by snake July 18, 2004

55πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


The greatest lager on the market. Premium strength (Above 5%).

You can stick your Dutch Gold. I got Erdinger

by snake January 19, 2005

39πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Word of Cork origin. Has several meanings, depending on context.

1) Penis
2) Foolish person
3) To be intoxicated

1) I've got a huge langer, boy.
2) You're some langer, boy.
3) He was langers, boy.

by snake November 24, 2005

988πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


Company that makes mp3 players that are approximately 3456432575 better than iPods. The main advantages of which include:

-Removable battery. For when you need a new one.
-More than 5 minutes of battery life. For when you're away from your charger.
-Design that actually fits in your pocket. For when you need to go somewhere.
-Decent sound quality. For when the bus driver tunes into 96fm.
-Radio option. So you can catch the match.
-Colour scheme that doesn't make you look like a complete yuppie. For when you don't want your arse kicked for wasting stupid amounts of money on something that doesn't work.

Random person: OMG! Is that an iPod?!!
Person with more than 6 braing cells: No, it's a Creative.

by snake December 8, 2005

300πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž

Red Dwarf

Genius sci-fi sitcom where humanity is (almost) extinct. Spawned the word Smeg as well as various classic gags. Brilliantly written, as there are no cliches in the script whatsoever (example: Instead of using "Dead as the DoDo" a phrase like "We're deader than A-line flares with pockets in the knees." is used)

Has had 8 excellent seasons with the first 6 available on DVD (and the next two coming in Novemeber and February)

Talk of a movie in the pipeline, but no sign as yet.

How many other shows have you seen with Death getting a knee to the balls?

by snake March 9, 2005

385πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

George W Bush

A man whose idea of freeing people is to blow them up. Since coming to power he has managed to invade 2 countries for pure profit. Before September 11th, spent 46% of his time on holiday. America would be better off with a monkey in charge.

Today President Bush said he was going to devaluate the Yen, causing a stock market panic. Apparently he meant deflate.

by snake May 9, 2005

777πŸ‘ 270πŸ‘Ž