Source Code



Trogdor was a man,
I mean...he was a dragon-man.
Uh....maybe he was just a dragon.
Um....but he was still


Burninating the countryside
Burninating the peasants
Burninating all the people
in the thatched-roof COTTAGES!!!

And then Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIGHT!!!!!

Trogdor burninates all!

by snake July 9, 2004

66πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Scumbag usually seen on the streets of Cork, Dublin or Limerick. General attire is tracksuit pants, Nike baseball cap, hoody and Celtic jersey for male scobes and pink sweat pants, hoody and huge hoop ear rings for female scobes. All wear too much bling jewellery (Sovvies on each finger, gold chains and bracelets), almost all of which is either stolen or electroplated copper. Also under the delusion that Dutch Gold qualifies as decent beer.

Generally drive Fiat Puntos, Honda Civics or Toyota Starlets with body kits and stripped out mufflers with the delusion that these make the car go faster. Also play their hip hop too loud for anybody with half a brain to put up with. The boy racer is a well-known sub-division of the scobe.

They are hated by all respectable people, but the most deep-rooted rivalries are with grungers.

See also Chav

Some scobe asked me for the cheapest bottle of wine so I smashed his knees in with the mop.

by snake December 24, 2005

86πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Giggedy giggedy giggedy

Phrase coined by Glen Quagmire from Family Guy. Used whenever you see a hot girl.

"Hey there, sweet thing. How old are you?"
"Eighteen? You're a first."
"I like where this is going. Giggedy giggedy gigg-e-dy."

by snake March 9, 2005

362πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


A decent beer that is hard to find.

I drank Warsteiner tonight

by snake September 11, 2005

32πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is good, genuine, nice, etc. See also Sound

That girl bought me a double Aftershock. She's A1.

by snake March 25, 2006

1354πŸ‘ 777πŸ‘Ž


Background: This name originated from the greatest pool player ever - SnaKe

Definition: Name given to the sexiest pool player aka Flex_

flex0r is a freading stud

by snake November 1, 2004

2πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Fat body

1 A person Male or Female who likes food too much, does not excercise, and generally lays around plaing video games all damn day.

2 A person who excercises but to no avail as they won't give up their damn cheetos and chocolate cakes.

So and so is a total fat body. They never ever try to excercise or diet.

Good lord if that fat body gains any moew weight I'll just have to kill myself.

You are not allowed to eat jelly donuts because you are a disgusting fat body!

by snake December 3, 2004

38πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž