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social bottom

Someone who never organizes social gatherings, but instead waits for someone else to organize. "Bottom" here is a reference to the submissive role during sex, especially in the gay community. A social bottom is submissive in a social context.

Have anyone chosen a restaurant? Nobody? Do I have to do it again? Ugh. I'm surrounded by social bottoms.

by sneeper October 4, 2013

28👍 1👎


A drug dealer that transports the product directly to you. A "Delivery" Dealer.

"Yo, where the drivedealers at?!"

by sneeper March 1, 2012

social top

That friend who always organizes social gatherings - they pick the restaurant, get a headcount, pick a time, make reservations, etc. "Top" here is a reference to the dominant role during sex, especially in the gay community. A social top is dominant in a social context.

I'm glad you are back from vacation - without our social top, we just sat around at home and wondered what everyone was up to.

by sneeper October 5, 2013