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A "sport" where a bunch of sissy, slutty girls prance around trying to make the male population fall in love with them. Unfortunately, honeys, waving pom poms, doing flips, and dancing like a fool on the sidelines of football games aint a sport. Its just cheering for a team mixed with acting like a ho. Oh, and its what girls view as a ticket to popularity. But it isn't that either cuz ive seen plenty of ugly cheerleaders.

one could argue that competetive cheerleading is a sport, and that maybe I would take. But then, you have to count chess, dance, art, and a lot of other things as a sport. The truth is none of them really are sports. Cheerleaders are a bunch of wanna-be athletes.

Cheerleading is foolish crap that wastes the half time show and distracts everybody at games from what they came there for: FOOOTBALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!

by soccerer September 24, 2006

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