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1. A land mass south of Canada and North of Mexico--in the middle--Naturally.

2. A whirlpool of many different ideals, races, religions, cultures, etc

3. A country falsely represented by the top 3% of its population in the media.

4. Also known as The United States of America; not to be confused with the continent North America--comprising the previously mentioned countries.

5. Contrary to poopular, oops I mean popular opinion, the US Government is not equal to the whole of the US population. However, efficacy in governance is dead in this country and has been for decades.

6. America is not the devil. However, being the superpower that it is, power corrupts and the real masters of puppets--the world bank and IMF control American foreign interests and policy. This may seem impossible but conspiracies do exist and this one is real. The New World Order is an agenda not a group of people or person(s).

7. 911/Afghanistan/Iraq are all proof conspirators(world bankers) can fool the world and get away with it. Too bad the scapegoat happens to be the most successful civilization in recorded history.

8.America has been equated to old Rome. If that metaphor comes true then America will fall.

9. America will once be a sad example of deception vs. free will

10. A corporation defended by soldiers sworn to a constitution.

Me:"I, soldier of misfortune, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

by soldier of misfortunes November 20, 2010

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