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1.a kid who gets really good grades and is a goody good
2.someone who plays video games every day or most of the time
3.a creeper
4. someone who has no freinds

5.thinks of other sex all the time, or the same sex

6. someone that is preepy
7.no lifes/bums
8.someone who dosnt talk enless someone talks to them or is told to talk
9.wanna be's
10.likes school or enjoys it, looks forward to it
11.knows alot of words
12.sits on the computer/tv all day
13.a kid thats over ten years old and still plays with alot of toys
14.spends alot of time with there mom's and dad's
15.somene who thinks they are smart
16.a really dumb person, knows nothing about anythingor whats going on in the world.
i have other definitions for a nerd but i didnt feel like putting them on here

that kid is a nerd, he got all A+'s.

by someone from michagan March 20, 2010

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