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STOA, or Stoa USA, is the better of two Christian homeschool speech and debate leagues. As the other is NCFCA, the bar is in hell.

Stoa TPers are possibly the worst people you could meet, specifically the male ones. In general, they are racist, homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic. The LDers are most of those, as well, but they're not actively so.

Limited prep speech kids are the laziest in the league, platform speechers are the most boring, and interpers are honestly the best people alive.

Parliers are somehow more arrogant than TPers.

Kids, when you go to college, you're going to walk into a room and immediately ask 'where's the STOA people!?!?' and you'll know they'll be your people.
Maybe I'll take a gap year.

Why am I in STOA?
Because you don't want to join NCFCA.
Fair enough.

by sp1derk1d lol October 22, 2023