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Spoilt rich brat who thinks she owns everything, always tries to get with a boy in her class who will lever like her, stuffs her bra with tissue, no one will like her and she will grow into an old fart who had nothing and lives on the street

Omg have you heard of this girl Charmaine: “yes she shagged my dog last night dirty wee girl”

by speaks the truth March 9, 2020

18👍 76👎


A spoiled brat who thinks everyone likes her, she stuffs her bra with tissue to make her boobs looking bigger, she tried to get with every single boy and it never works, she back stabs her friends, can’t take more than half and inch, wants to suck her dreams crushes cock

Have you met this girl Charmaines: “yeh apparently she tried to fuck a girls boyfriend and fingered her self thinking about it”

by speaks the truth March 9, 2020

10👍 60👎


douchebag poser who copies another person or person's successful work to feed his own ego and lack of creativity.

douchebag punk poser joggernaut

by speaks the truth March 11, 2014