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suzie is a penetration device with a mind control mechenism planted one end and a penis the other this mythological yet bionicle device sneaks up on its prey to penetrate through the rectum and delivers conformist thoughts and propaganda through its large and grotesqe deriverentitive.

It is these kinds of people who need to pry open their third eyes and achieve their state of metaprogramming which will in turn make them useful members of todays society, as opposed to all the dumbfounded dipshits who live their lifes going by what they have been taught is right and wrong, it is these kinds of people who need to learn to think for themselves and achieve their state of full concioussness.

Hey lets go trip on some shrooms and smoke some pot that way we can free our minds...

Suzie: bahhbahhgrahh

by special convincing tree carrots and pussy May 17, 2006

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