German 'slang' word coming out of German city Mannheim the word Langa is sometimes used to speak to a specific friend who's body type is sort of stabil and tall.
'Lang' = long/tall
Standing for a loyal homie u got for a long time.
Langa the slang variation for Langer
'Langer' = a long (person)
'Lang' = long
'What's good, langa?'
'Whatchu doing, langa?'
German 'slang' word for hund
In Germany,
the hund animal is typical understood as a illoyal traitor, who would do anything to get along.
His character is weak and he can't be fully trusted.
Most often used as a word to describe a traitor, bitch or a 31, who would definitly snitch on his homies.
In some states of Germany like Hamburg or Berlin it could be happen that u come across the word Inu, which is a japanese variationof the word hund. Often used in gang related manors the word isn't touched often by the greater public.
SO EIN INU! - what a snitch!
what/so - a/one - snitch/hund(dog)/bitch!
DU INU! - you snitch/hund/bitch!
DU HUND! = you snitch!
you - dog/snitch/traitor!
WAS EIN INU, wenn er snitcht. = what a bitch, if i snitches on you.
what - a/one - snitch/hund/bitch - if/when - he - snitches/betrays (you)