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tamani n sara

Tamani n sara. the most unstoppable duo they have been through it all with eachother the highs and lows. sara always has tamanis back and tamani will always have saras no matter what its always this friendship b4 anything or anyone they're funny , annoying and definitely gorgeous i definitely think they will grow old tg as best friends for life ❤️

tamani n sara are forever and always , till infinity nd beyond.

by sriracha saucee July 19, 2023

shawnese and tamani

a lesbian couple that argues a lot but they both truly love eachother and are so grateful for their relationship the might need to work on a few things but they are truly amazing 🩷 - ur bsf

shawnese and tamani are true love .

by sriracha saucee June 29, 2023