The impulse to violently and/or verbally abuse the opposition when they are spotted in a public setting.
Sorry I got kicked out of Target, I had an opp impulse when I saw that simp walking around with his mask on.
The uncontrollable addiction to purchase a new pair of $1,000 shoes everytime a collection is released.
Don't mind him, he is not actually sick, he is impulsively dripped the fuck out 24/7 - he has Balenciaga Fever.
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An unscalable amount of swagger/swag that leaves others speechless.
Jenelle: Who is that guy outside with the crocodile Giuseppe Zanottiâs and Rolls Royce? Isnât that the same dude who wears sunglasses in the dark Versace store after closing?
Aly: I donât know, but I just feel in my soul that he has Ottis Swag.
a popular platform that rewards people with digital land and connects animal charities in the world to solve animal conservation.
My restaurant just bought land on AnimalGlobe to advertise our business, and our contribution went straight to a charity in Madagascar.
The perceived increased valuation of a female, or hoe, on the rating scale
Sheâs a 4 but acts like an 8 - she is rating herself based on HOEFLATION.
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Combination of "simp" and "suicide". A simpleton that sacrifices their values and beliefs to impress a female.
They are no longer themselves, as they went crazy and committed simpicide.
Combination of "snitch" and "simp". A simpleton that will do anything in their power to impress a female, including reporting personal information about others to the police.
Hey, there are girls coming to the party! Don't invite that guy, he is a snimp.
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