(n.) the action or instance of the separation, annulment, or legal dissolution of a marriage between two women.
Del and Phyllis make a tremendous couple. I think they'll be together until one of them dies. They will so never get a lesget.
(adj.) the quality of one who possesses a reduction in thought so as to purvey an elementary establishment of a fallacious premise; (syn. to:) pedantic
I would say that Drumpf was more redantic than Gooli Jani, but he'd never make an appointment!
(adj.) akin to boneheaded. Having the quality of acting in the manner of John Boehner with regard to the debt ceiling debacle. Being stubborn to such a degree that it negatively impacts an entire nation.
McCain: Okay, John, enough is enough. Just use the Senate bill that Reid is proposing and get your guys behind it.
Boehner: No! I am not going to agree with you adults!
McCain: Seriously, John, quit being so Boehnheaded.
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(n.) one who acts in the role as bigot/politician, often without invitation. Usually considered pejorative.
Check out that dude over there: he's a pedant. If you say the word 'grape', he'll be talking about wine for a long, long time.
#talkative #know it all #know-it-all #pedantic #bore #boring #blowhard #blow hard #lecturer #teacher
Check out that dude over there: he's a redant. If you say the word 'grape', he'll be talking about mexicans and muslims for a long, long time.
(n.) one who acts in the role as bigot/politician, often without invitation. Usually considered pejorative.
Check out that dude over there: he's a pedant. If you say the word 'grape', he'll be talking about wine for a long, long time.
#talkative #know it all #know-it-all #pedantic #bore #boring #blowhard #blow hard #lecturer #teacher
Check out that dude over there: he's a redant. If you say the word 'grape', he'll be talking about mexicans and muslims for a long, long time.
(n.) a temporary syndrome, during which one exhibits the symptoms of intermittently and repetitively standing up from the bus stop bench, walking to the curb and occasionally far into the street, and looking far down the approaching roadway only to sit down again immediately thereafter. This can lead to the more permanent condition known as Bus Stop Syndrome which is more prevalent for those who remain in a seated position. Those who are particulary adept at Bus Spotting seem to be immune from this syndrome. The syndrome is alleviated when the awaited bus arrives, and may be accompanied by a bus jig. Another known cure for this syndrome is to quickly slam a beer or another alcoholic beverage while waiting.
Jack, seated: Hey man, if you need to get up and dance around, the bathroom's behind the bus stop, not in front of it!
Moe: No, this thing is supposed to come by every 10 minutes and it's been about 25 since I've been here!
Jack: I think you might have a case of Bus Anxiety. You better crack a beer and get that taken care of.
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1. n. one's base possibility or ability that at some point in time may be developed.
2. n. (electricity) in an operational circuit, the standard difference in electrical charge between two points expressed in volts.
The phrase ``Default Potential'' has so much default potential that it's a crime someone would have defined it first as someone's general avatar!
Watch out when you touch that circuit board; that thing's got 120V of default potential!
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