Cunninlynguists is a Kentucky rap group comprised of Kno, Deacon the Villian, and frequently features lable mates Mr. SOS and Tonedeff. Notable tracks include: Seasons, Love Ain't, and Lynguistics. Cunninlynguists currently have three albums: Will Rap For Food, Southernunderground, and A Piece of Strange.
"Cunninlynguists, know what I'm saying?
You know how we do
I mean, you probably don't know how we do
but you're about to find out."
248👍 33👎
Hip-hop in its essence and realness...
"And just cool out, cool out and listen to H.E.R." -Common
273👍 90👎
(n) Refers to Artist and Repetoir execs in record companies they are hooked up with an artist to help to find new artists and put out an image for them. artists albums
A&R's tribe jerking me, thinking they calling shots
Offered me a deal, and a blanket full of smallpox
143👍 47👎