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nigger cola

A mixture of gasoline and sparkly water that looks like cola. Usually sold by homeless people

"Hey man can i get some of that nigger cola?"
"(homeless man mixing gasoline and sparkly water) here man. That will cost 20 dollars"
"Here ya go"
"Thanks. now im gonna use this to go get me some nigger water"

by stale cheerio March 15, 2018

4👍 3👎

Snoop Salad

Snoop Dogg's special recipe. Aka kush

Snoop's friend: Ay man where yo at?
Snoop: I'm smoking some snoop salad.
Snoop's friend: Ohhhhh save some for me when i get to yo place. And roll a fat one

by stale cheerio April 19, 2018

nigga man

a dude named tyrone. he resembles super man because he saves your kids, and "HELPS" your wife . He also takes your computer, because he can. usually stays naked all day

Dad: hey son how ya doin?
Demetreus: Tyrone just came here dad, he gave me a lolipop

Dad: who the fuck is Tyrone!?!
Demetreus: Nigga Man. he's helping mommy make the bed
Dad:(stomps angrily), i dont know who the fuck you think you are but... wait...what the fuck
Tyrone:NIGGA MAN AWAY(flies into the sun)
Dad: my computer

by stale cheerio May 10, 2018

24👍 16👎

Nut Juice

The proper and healthier alternative for "Almond Milk"

Tyrone: Its called almond milk cause no one can say nut juice with a straight face
Daniel Day Lewis: Nut Juice*says nut juice with the most straight and serious face*
Tyrone: *Chugs Nut Juice*
Daniel Day Lewis: *Chugs In Unison*

by stale cheerio June 5, 2018

1👍 3👎

Lard Ass

When some one who is so fat runs an mile they start to sweat lard, grease, and cooking oil.
The sweating of these materials can also happening by other extreme workouts. Usually excretes as ass sweat

Timmy: What happened to Bruce?
Billy: He ran a mile and now he's got a bad case of the "lard ass"
Bruce:(Sitting in a puddle of lard, grease, and cooking oil) Hakjwbdwebfawieubciawrfiwqciubudisclijcv9upgvpurvprvub
Timmy: What a lard ass.

by stale cheerio April 27, 2018