whomp a term used to describe something that has either been tastefully or tackily decorated, depending on its usage in a sentence.
Derogatory: "Shelley returned from the hair-burner with her hair so whomped up I thought her neck would snap from the weight!"
Complementary: "Driving through Laguna Beach we encountered row after row of whomped up mansions, dripping with taste."
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cunt an amusing way of saying someone is a cunt. pronounced cunt-ee-kwah. Can also be used as an affectionate nickname for a fag-hag
"That cuntiqua just let her dog shit in my yard"
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decorate to decorate something gaudily or with taste. Depending on its usage whomp can either be derogatory (past tense) or complimentary
derogatory: "Miss thang has whomped that house with so much brick-a-brack you can't even move in there!"
complementary: "this place could be fabulous! You could whomp the fuck out of it!"
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psycho a gay male or any female who shows constant erractic behavior. pronounced psy-kee-nah
"Psychina barged in my office and cussed me out for no reason!" "Have you seen who psychina is going out with now?"
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