Source Code


n. 1. The science of representing spoken sounds by letters.

n. 2. Commentary on modern people, places, groups, and events based on the alphabetical arrangement of words and the numbers associated with the alphabetical sequence of Biblical words.

Word 4545 in the Old Testatment Hebrew lexicon means "web". The very next word, 4546 means "highway". According to alphabetics, these two neighboring words foretell the "web highway".

Word 4150 in the Old Testament lexicon include the meanings: "Place of assembly," "tabernacle," "temple," "seat of the prophets," "an appointed sign," "the vision belongs to a time." By paying attention to the alphabetics, we note with interest that 84150 are the last four digits of the zip code of the Mormon Headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.

by sterlingda May 30, 2009

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