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Pretending to be on your cell phone in order to avoid speaking to someone on the street

As the signature petition gatherer approached, she was quickly fauxning in a call on her cell phone

by steve garvey July 21, 2008

6👍 1👎


A statistic which requires further explanation or qualification, making it somewhat less valid

He had hist more home runs than any other baseball player in history, but this was just another asteristic because he also had more hits of anabolic steriods than any other baseball player in history.

by steve garvey July 21, 2008

1👍 1👎


Using your neighbors wi-fi so you don't have to pay for wireless internet.

By fi-swiping from the apartment next door, Jim could almost affort to stop illegally downloading MP3's

by steve garvey July 21, 2008

1👍 1👎


A gradual shift away from liberal or progressive causes, usually brought on by an election year.

The polician's leftiness became most apparent when, as camera's rolled, he started handing out bootstraps to the mostly crowd who, unforuntately, had no boots...

by steve garvey July 21, 2008