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In short, a meme queen. Tends to write urban dictionary definitions for themselves to elevate self-esteem. Insecurities stem from being a middle child. Anjali’s are fun loving gals who are there for their gorls and can raise someone up better than Josh Groban. They have a self deprecating sense of humor... sometimes exaggerated, sometimes accurate. If you are lucky enough to have an Anjali as your best friend then you will be #blessed for life with her presence and the Christian candles that she will give you. Anjali’s tend to defy the laws of science by being the smartest and dumbest people you’ll know. Anjali’s are hella rad and will be your best friends for life! Tip of advice: send Anjali’s wholesome memes that are not basic.

Anjali is sitting right next to me.

by steve jobs the vaper boi October 11, 2018

123👍 17👎


Ally is the nastiest skank bitch i have ever met. do NOT trust her, she is a fugly slut!!!

in all seriousness, ally’s are major hoes, but in the best possible ways. the most wholesome of hoes. the most meme worthy of hoes. i guess you could call her the...HOE-le package ;) she is thriftier than rite aid ice cream, more joyful than a romans 12:12 candle, and the only gal i’ve met

who welcomes concussions with open arms. catch her on the dance floor with her whips, nae naes, and roy purdy choreographed extravanganzas. they are truly a sight to see.

omg did u see that zizzo’z frappe? it’s disgusting, but looks very hipster. that’s soooo ally 😫💦

by steve jobs the vaper boi October 11, 2018

1👍 5👎