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go eat a donut

this phrase was created by Steve (Stefan) of Atlanta, Georgia. something as an insult instead of always using your mom or your face. inspired by your mom, your face, and the simpsons.

Ex: 1

person 1: your fat
person 2: your mom's fat
person 1: your face is fat
person 2: GO EAT A DONUT!
person 1: .......(cries and runs away)

Ex: 2

(person 2 comes back)

person 2: your mom's fat.
person 1: go eat a donut u fat piece of s**t!!
person 2: .......(cries and runs away...again...)

by steve k. December 10, 2005

16👍 23👎


similar to geek, but lacking in the intellectual faculties of the geek. someone who is weird, odd, different, happy about it, and *thinks* they are being smart and/or cool while doing it.

"what a geeb." (short and to the point.) said in response to a failed attempt at humor/insult, in which only said geeb is laughing at his own joke.

by steve k. September 30, 2003

134👍 174👎