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(NOUN 1)
The thing that chases you to your room with a flip flop because your brother stubbed his toe, started crying and blamed it on you (JK mom please don't read this lol)

(NOUN 2)

A person who believes a stock will go up, and enters a Long position (therefore buying the stock). If you are a Bull on TSLA, you believe TSLA stock price will appreciate in value. If you're a Bull on RIVN, F, LCID, or any other EV stock, you're probably in denial on your "long term" -60% position.

"Bro I'm a bull on these chicken fingers bro. De-f*cking-licious brooo"

by stocktalk101 May 11, 2022


A stock or security that goes up. These can be very rewarding. These are the ones you forgot you own and leave you up 360%. The ones that make a grown man cry. The ones that make you want to fly. This kind of gain can solve all your problems in life. Enough to make any grown man living in his mom's basement cry a river. LAMBO SOON. HOLD THE LINE. HOO HOO HOO

(this is not a source a financial advice either. Stop taking advice from urban dictionary dammit)

"Yo bro, I bought call options on this runner Gamestop yesterday and its up 4000%, Should I sell?"
2 weeks later:
"Bro this caviar is sick, come visit me and my wives on my sky yacht in Monaco! Only 3 weeks trading and I'm already a pro!"

by stocktalk101 May 11, 2022


Stemming from original "You Only Live Once" adage;

To enter a stock position with an absurdly large amount of money for no viable reason, other than to simply go big or go home

This usually tends to create one of two things

1. An absolutely filthy rich return on investment, and an unhealthy ego boost
2. An irreversible financial catastrophy

"YeAh bRo, i jUSt YOLOd 80% Of mY LiFE SaVIngSs, TO THE MOON!"

by stocktalk101 May 9, 2022


A Person who publicly establishes a vested interest in a certain stock or company, only for it to absolutely f*cking dump the next day.

A: "Hey B, Check out NFLX, I think it'll moon tomorrow on earnings! We're gonna be rich"
B: "Alright, I'll throw half of my savings into it..."
One day later....
B: "WTF A, I'M DOWN 50%. THAT WAS MY LIFE SAVINGS! You really Cramer'd this one! WEN LAMBO?? WEN MOON??

by stocktalk101 May 9, 2022