shorten from not that serious, used to say when something that happens isnt as important as people think it is.
Guy #1: OMG that guy is Level 75 in lineage
Guy #2: NTS we can still beat him
9π 39π
Pouncing gay man. "Mud" is slang for shit, combined with toothy predator = ass predator.
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Big ass truck. Y'know, one with 18 wheels?
For those of you who invented this language, an H.G.V. with a total of 18 tyres.
'Yo, d'ya see the Kenworth T600 18 Wheeler with all them chicken lights? That rig was PIMPED, dog!'
'Yeah man, driver said he were hauling a load o' democrats to Tex-ass, said they needed them real bad down there to stop the Texans breeding assholes like George Dubbya'
47π 23π
A spaz in the most hyper, energetic, loserly sense of the word.
Get off the fucking table, you skeez!
9π 41π
Chavs use this word when they are jealous of how clever and intelligent you are.
I'm gonna fuckin write bellend on the wall coz it's me favourite word o' week (writes 'Bilend'). There yaa go mate bellend. Fuckin' that's what you un's are innit ya fuckin'...CLAXON...Fuck me charver...I'M FUCKED!
67π 37π
A person born and raised in the republic of mancunia.
Myth has it that this city is entirely inhabited by manchester city fans and manchester is in fact blue. This lie is perpetuated by the bitters and is untrue in its entirity.
As for crime, what do you think those pesky scousers do with their stolen cars, thats right they drive up the east lancs and rob us mancs
Manc - to be safe as fuck, sound as a pound or sorted.
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