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Homer Alaska

The smallest town ever, where the cops dont give a shit what the youth do, because they themselfs are baked like a cake. The options for things to do is town laps, go to the beach, or sit at the most ghetto McDonalds ever. Most of the time high. There are pretty much 5 groups you fall into in this town, Stoners, Rednecks, Hippies, Church Freaks, or fucking tweekers. Everyone fishes, EVERYONE. Its pretty much the most alcohol-pot based comunity you will ever see. The girls here are just one giant comunity cup, everyone sleeps with everyone. The guys are total dicks and have no respect for anything. If you are lucky enough to gradute High School, I guess Flex counts too, your on the first flight out of here. For some reason, we love this town, within the next 5 years most of them come back and have families. Hits, the next generation is born and the cycle starts over again. Welcome to our little town of Homer, Alaska.

What are we going to do today?

Hotbox the car at the beach?

Sure, theres nothing else to do, we live in Homer Alaska

by stuckhereforlife34 June 29, 2013

18👍 9👎