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1) a theoretical "perfect" realm, in which everyone is content, where things get done well by people who are happy to do them, and where all the problems which have plagued our world for millenia no longer apply. whoever came up with the idea was drunk, stoned, tripping or insane. maybe all four.

2) a popular maths-and-text based online game which can be quite complicated. people who play tend to lose all social skills, and spend hours chatting to friends and allies online, saying things like "goddam, just got grabbed by a pumped orc. he's bottom-feeding, so my kd suicided in retal, razed him and he's near peasant-death"

do not worry if you do not understand the game. half the people who play don't either.
be warned, the game seems to exert a strange and powerful force on those with geekish tendencies.

1) sir thomas moore: i live by utopian ideals
other guy: you fuckin fool

2) a: how's ur tope goin?
b: not good, i'm gettin rickets from stayin inside to play it too much

by stumpy McTavish November 1, 2003

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