Honestly, I need to not hold back and just say it plainly, lucifer is nothing more than a pussy, a fucking twat, a weak bitch, throneless, a fucking footstool under Christ's feet.
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Whether we know it or not, everyone needs a Savior, Jesus!
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satan, the one and only true pussy bitch
Theres a lot of pussies, theres a lot of bitches, but theres only one real pussy bitch, satan.
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just not very smart or intelligent; at times dumb as fuk, satan
It must be tough having to be God and deal with a devil who's so slow slow, dumb as fuk.
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Who do you thinking will win the fight? Definitely not that non fighting bitch satan, that pussy never could fight.
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No need to fear. we all know what a non fighting pussy / hole leviathin is.
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